Government actions in tertiary education

Government is taking action through the Education Work Programme to support tertiary education organisations to implement the Tertiary Education Strategy (TES).

The drop down menus below indicate where initiatives of the Education Work Programme have actions or commitments announced that align with the TES.

Priorities and actions for tertiary education organisations [PDF, 150 KB]

Priority 1

Ensure places of learning are safe, inclusive and free from racism, discrimination and bullying

Priority 2

Have high aspirations for every learner/ākonga, and support these by partnering with their whānau and communities to design and deliver education that responds to their needs, and sustains their identities, languages, and cultures.

Priority 3

Reduce barriers to education for all, including for Māori and Pacific learners/ākonga, disabled learners/ākonga and those with learning support needs.

Priority 4

Ensure every learner/ākonga gains sound foundation skills, including language, literacy and numeracy.

Priority 5

Meaningfully incorporate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into the everyday life of the place of learning.

Priority 6

Develop staff to strengthen teaching, leadership and learner support capability across the education workforce.

Priority 7

Collaborate with industries and employers to ensure learners/ākonga have the skills, knowledge and pathways to succeed in work.

Priority 8

Enhance the contribution of research and mātauranga Māori in addressing local and global challenges (TES ONLY).

Education work programme items

Raising achievement for Māori learners

Priority 2

Priority 3

Priority 5

Review the tertiary education investment system to support TEOs to better address learner/ākonga needs and support equitable outcomes for underserved learners/ākonga

Ensure funding better recognises the additional costs of tailoring support and education delivery and supports providers to help under-served groups

Invest in, develop and implement Māori Medium pathways

Partner with TEOs to develop tools, guidance and measures that enable evidence-based education delivery that meets the needs and aspirations of all learners/ākonga

Support TEOs to increase their capability to identify and understand learner/ākonga needs and barriers to success

Develop an approach to supporting the inclusion of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori throughout tertiary education and training

Work with TEOs to implement innovative approaches that support learners'/ākonga success

Partner with Te Taumata Aronui to respond to their recommendations and advice about how tertiary education can better meet the needs of ākonga Māori and communities


Strengthen Māori-medium pathways in partnership with Māori to ensure the education system is responsive to meeting the needs and aspirations of ākonga Māori and their whānau



Raising achievement for Pacific learners

Priority 2

Priority 3

Invest in and support the development of programmes and pathways for learning in Pacific languages

Ensure funding better recognises the additional costs of tailoring support and education delivery and supports providers to help under-served groups

Partner with TEOs to develop tools, guidance and measures that enable evidence-based education delivery that meets the needs and aspirations of all learners/ākonga

Support TEOs to increase their capability to identify and understand learner/ākonga needs and barriers to success

Review the tertiary education investment system to support TEOs to better address learner/ākonga needs and support equitable outcomes for underserved learners/ākonga

Support Pacific learners/ākonga and their families through the Action Plan for Pacific Education

Work with TEOs to implement innovative approaches that support learners'/ākonga success


Curriculum and assessment (includes CPA and NCEA review)

Priority 5 Priority 7 

Develop and implement a plan for qualifications and graduate profiles to be bilingual, in te reo Māori and English


Strengthen the New Zealand Qualifications Framework and qualifications system to enable lifelong learning and clearer learning pathways and to allow for flexible, shorter credentials/qualifications including recognition of prior learning


Learning Support Action Plan

Priority 3

Develop best practice guidance for supporting disabled and neurodiverse learners/ākonga in tertiary education and training

Reform of Vocational Education

Priority 3

  • Coordinate across systems so that foundation learning settings enable individualised, flexible learning opportunities that support learners/ākonga to transition between education, welfare and work.

Priority 4

  • Consider literacy and numeracy settings to ensure access to quality literacy and numeracy provision in the context of RoVE.

Priority 7

  • Complete the reform of vocational education including establishing Workforce Development Councils, Centres of Vocational Excellence, and a new unified funding system.
  • Review the tertiary investment system to introduce a stronger focus on work-integrated learning across a broader range of disciplines.

Strengthening tertiary education

Priority 4

Priority 5

Priority 6

Priority 7

Priority 8

Invest in Adult and Community Education to provide more learners/ākonga with accessible education and pathways to further education, training and employment

Review funding rates for Māori language and mātauranga Māori in the tertiary sector

Ensuring the quality of teaching through a range of quality assurance functions, including, External Evaluation and Review (EER) and programme monitoring

Partner with schools, TEOs, industries, employers and communities to deliver a more active careers service

Partner with wānanga to support their unique role in the tertiary education system

Strengthen foundation education to improve learner pathways into higher levels of education and employment


Incentivise and support TEOs to develop and strengthen teaching capability and excellence

Develop tools and information to support learners/ākonga to have a personalised career pathway that allows them to move between education and employment, and that supports displaced workers

Establish an enduring Wānanga-Crown partnership that will focus on identifying new solutions for the wānanga sector



Publish and implement a tertiary education investment framework that shows how funded places are allocated to high priority provision, and how funding is used to grow high-performing TEOs



Supporting research in tertiary education

Priority 8

  • Support the advancement of Māori-led and mātauranga informed solutions.
  • Support and develop the contribution of tertiary education organisations to the research system.
  • Develop and implement a Government response to the independent review of the Performance-Based Research Fund.

Investing in wellbeing/Child and Youth Wellbeing strategy

Priority 1

  • Provide clear expectations in the Codes of Practice for the pastoral care of domestic tertiary students and international students.
  • Partner with TEOs to develop a framework for safety and inclusivity in tertiary education environments.
  • Genuinely engage with learners/ākonga and value, listen to and consider their voices so that processes and work in Government and TEOs genuinely reflect learner/ākonga needs.

Priority 2

  • Empower learners/ākonga to have their voices heard.

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